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Moving Mountains Nepal strives to provide increased access to education from primary school to tertiary education for all of the children in the villages of Bupsa, Bumburi, and the surrounding areas.

Back in the 1990s and early 2000s, the education standards in this area were quite low. The schools were small, run down, and children often had to walk long distances to attend. 

Over the years the level of education throughout the villages dropped markedly. Parents, seeking better educational opportunities for their children, moved away from the villages, sometimes all the way to Kathmandu. Bupsa and Bumburi struggled to cope.

Since the early 2000s, Moving Mountains Nepal has worked with the people of Bupsa and Bumburi to help them reclaim their educational facilities and improve the standard of education in their villages. We focus on renovating and rebuilding the schools, securing qualified teachers, and investing in children who are interested in tertiary education.

Through our work on education in Nepal, we have seen huge benefits to all of the people living in this region. Families are returning to the area, villagers are proud of their educational facilities, and more children are attending the schools.

Below, you’ll find more information about our specific educational programs around Nepal.

Focusing on Primary Education in Nepal

Over the past 20 years we have generously increased the size and capacity of these primary schools. Moving Mountains pays for eight teachers and the children have now got a long term consistent level of educational support and teaching which has enabled them to attain their grades and go into tertiary level education in some cases.

primary education nepal

In the years since we began working with the primary schools in these villages, we’ve seen massive improvements across the board. Today, the total number of students in both schools has increased. There are 165 children attending the Bupsa Primary School while over 200 attend the Bumburi Primary school.

This is a result of the larger schools, better teachers, and also the economic impact that these improved schools have had on the region. Because there are larger, better schools in place, families have returned to the area. This drives economic growth and helps make life in the region more sustainable.

Our valuable work on these primary schools is not yet finished. We hope to continue to expand both schools, increasing the number of students and building facilities for middle and secondary schools as well.

We continue to pay the salaries for several teachers in each village. Our work on education in Nepal requires support from generous donors and volunteers. 

Secondary Schools in Nepal

Access to education is a basic right of children across the world, and that includes secondary education as well as primary. Unfortunately, for many of the children living in these villages, secondary school is difficult to achieve. The closest secondary schools are far away and children have to walk long distances to attend.

Currently, we are working on a project to further develop the Bumburi primary school, expanding and adding buildings to house a secondary school as well. Our hope is that this new facility will operate as the central secondary school for the villages of Bupsa, Bumburi, and the surrounding region.

educational programs nepal

We believe that with the support of our generous donors, volunteers, and the passion and hard work of the local community, we can create a high-quality secondary school with the capacity to provide access to education for the entire village.

Schools in Nepal  - volunteering with Moving Mountains