Joseph Mungai
Our Trip Leaders
Joseph Mungai is the current Secretary for Moving Mountains in Kenya and sits on the Board.
He lives in Nairobi and coordinates all the medical programmes in East Africa, including Medical Elective students, vaccination programmes and our relationships with the clinics and hospitals which are supported by Moving Mountains in Kenya.
Joseph is also active during the school and university trips in Kenya and has built up a strong working relationship with our team in Tanzania where he has led a number of international development trips on the lower slopes of Kilimanjaro at Ng’aroni Primary School, the location of our first Moving Mountains project in Tanzania.
Originally from Kibera (Sub-Saharan Africa’s largest slum and home to an estimated 1 million), he is a former beneficiary of Moving Mountains and is now employed by Adventure Alternative which gives him the chance to enjoy his passion for outdoor life. With numerous ascents on Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru now under his belt he is always looking for his next adventure.