Dophil Clinic & Maternity Home
Moving Mountains supports Dophil Clinic in the rural and impoverished district of Siaya in Western Kenya. The clinic offers a wide variety of services to a large population; it has a male and female ward, a paediatric ward, a maternity ward with a delivery suite, a laboratory and theatre. The clinic provides mother and child health care, family planning support and care to HIV positive patients and currently specialises in the chest, ear, nose, throat, antenatal, diabetes and immunisations.
Dophil clinic is almost self- sufficient but the great cost of essential lifesaving equipment means that the support of Moving Mountains is still needed through medical elective students in the main.
History of the Project
2006 – 2014 – Medical elective students studying here have provided a continual flow of cash for medical equipment and supplies.
2008 –Construction of a new operating theatre at Dophil clinic that is now used for minor operations and emergency cases.
Main Donors
Granaghan Community Outreach, N. Ireland, funded and built the operating theatre through Moving Mountains at the clinic in 2008.
Get Involved
Do a Medical Elective at a health clinic in Kenya and assist the Kenyan staff in the clinic; support the community health workers doing home visits; assist with the medical day to day work, including data collating for HIV+ patients, and participate with the health awareness campaigns.We ask that elective students raise some funds for their visit to help fund medical equipment and supplies.
Future Aims
In the future, we intend to continue to support the care available at the clinic through investment in life-saving and technical equipment and continuing to place volunteer medical elective.
Support this clinic and the life-saving work being done there by making a donation to Moving Mountains today.
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